Artikelnummer:: 53030

The widespread use of multi-purpose helicopters in Vietnam to provide fire support of ground units was the reason for the development of a specialized attack helicopter. Bell began its development in the spring of 1965, and in September, the first prototype became operational. The production AH-1G Cobra began rolling off the assembly line in June 1967, and in the fall of the same year, they began combat operations in Vietnam. The built-in armament of the first production AH-1G Cobras consisted of a six-barrel Minigun mounted in the nose underfuselage turret. A 40-mm automatic grenade launcher
was later added. The pylons were additionally equipped with blocks with unguided missiles and machine gun containers, and the possibility of suspending a powerful 20-mm six-barrel automatic cannon was added. The gunner in the front seat controlled the fire of the built-in weapons in the nose turret, and the pilot used weapons located on the wing pylons.
Lightweight steel armor with a total weight of 122 kg was used to protect the crew and the most important parts of the structure and units from ground fire.

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